Saturday, March 2, 2013

March 2, 2013

We had a few flurries last night and some this morning. It is 33 degrees outside and I am freezing! I am getting depressed with all this cold weather we are having. Ready for spring!

Obama and his Obamacare are really getting me down. I can't afford $385.00 a month for his health care. I am hoping that I can change jobs soon with healthcare and better pay. I barely scrape by as it is now. Something has got to give soon.

I signed up to sell Watkins Friday. I doubt I will make a lot selling it but I am trying to sell things to make a little money. I am either going to sell Beauticontrol or Mary Kay when the camper gets sold. Need a little business going on the side to keep a little money coming in.

Work has been good this past week. It's all about control over there. Everybody is family so it's hard to be promoted or even get a raise. I am still going to be leavings as soon as I can.



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